You’re in bondage if you spend money to attract a woman – OAP Osi Suave

You’re in bondage if you spend money to attract a woman - OAP Osi Suave

Nigerian media personality, Osi Suave, recently took to social media to share his thoughts about Nigerian men who spend money to attract a woman.

Addressing the men, A woman should love you for the man you are based on her values, morals drive and intellect.

His post on Twitter reads:

I understand the concept of spoiling your woman

But why is her day to day expenses on your head

Why are you paying for cabs, buying Data, sending her money for lunch and all.

Some of u people are in bandage

For the rest of you men that will keep spending money to attract women

Just know that the day a richer man comes they are gone.

Have some dignity

A woman should love you for the man you are based on your values, morals drive and intellect.

As expected, Media users have reacted to his post on Twitter.

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